Unfair credit agreements for loans and other finance deals could see you paying more every year for an agreement that does not even comply with consumer protection laws.
The idea is that PPI covers your debt repayments if you can’t work. It pays off the debt if you are ill, have an accident, or are made redundant. But PPI is often mis-sold, which means that many people are left paying for expensive insurance policies that they’ll never be able to claim on.
Typical charges range from £20 to £39, sums vastly in excess of the actual cost to the banks of dealing with the oversight.
If you’ve got a credit card and, like many people, occasionally go overdrawn or miss a payment, there’s a good chance you’ve been unfairly penalised for your oversights.
You could get Debt Refund to ensure the mortgage you signed up for complies with consumer protection laws. And if it doesn’t, you could be eligible for thousands of pounds in compensation.
But Debt Refund is on hand to guide you through this troublesome period and keep you where you belong - in your own house.